Unfortunately your organisation / activity is not eligible to apply to the Community & Coast Fund which is reserved for activity which takes place in Torry or Cove. If you would like to find out more about funding opportunities in Aberdeen, please visit acvo.org.uk/funding
Social Enterprises can apply to this fund if they operate in line with the following principles:
Unfortunately your organisation / activity needs access to a bank account to apply to the Community & Coast Fund. Grants cannot be transferred into personal account.
Based on the answers given here it looks like you may NOT be eligible to apply for the Community & Coast Fund.
If you would like to discuss your eligibility further, please click the 'next' button below to leave your contact details and message and a member of the team will get back in touch with you.
Based on the answers provided by you in this form, it may be the case that your organisation or community group are eligible to apply for the Community & Coast Fund Please read the funding guidance linked at communityandcoast.scot/apply for further details about eligibility and the application process. If you have any questions please get in touch via communityandcoast.scot/contact and a member of the team will get back in touch